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Postcards I have recived through Postcrossing ( I'll be posting as they arrive. (clicking the pictures will enlarge)

Tuesday, September 19, 2006


This is the best card I've recieved so far. If you can't see the drawings on the orange card, please click the image for a (much) larger version, and look closely. As you can read in the corner, it's the sender's family!
I got this postcard from Elliot, who is four years old. Elliot picks the card (or draws them), he picks the stamp and he tells his mom what to write.
Don't know if he usually sends drawings, or if I got an exclusive. After all, my profile says "be bold when sending a card".
Very very nice.
From Finland!
Thanks Elliot!


I got this from Germany. It's a set of seven cards showing scenes from Peter Penguin's adventure in Africa. The story can be read in, altough only in German...
Pleasant and unusual card.


First French card I recieve.


This time from Sweden, where I've also been without taking pictures/buying cards...
This is from Upplands Väsby. Seems nice.


Another postcard from Helsinki, arriving right after I got home from a trip that included Finland.
Nice to recognize some of the places.


I rented a bike and, among other things in Helsinki, I saw this monument, built to honour the Finnish composer Jean Sibeluis (1865 - 1957). I didn't take one single photo during my stay in Finland. It was nice to get home and have this card waiting for me (especially because I liked Finland so much).


A pretty postcard bought at a cinema in London.
Took me about a minute to realize it is a fish (and that I was looking at it upside down).


Did you know "Florida accounts for 75% of the oranges consumed in the U.S."? Yeah neither did I. Cool eh? :)
Thanks Erin!

Friday, June 30, 2006


Home-made cards are the best.
This collection of details was sent from the USA 13 days ago (so the stamp says). I like the "Checklist for leaving the house", can't help but find a little dramatic tone in it...
Thank you again, stagecrafty. Like I said, handmade cards are the best.

Tuesday, June 20, 2006


A very funny caricature of a Kibbutz, from Israel. I've heard of them.
Funny details in the card... like the tools in the upper right corner. But I wonder what's written in the door, and why the tractor is named "Dear John" (wich happens to be my name!!),

Sunday, June 18, 2006


I want to eat waffles everytime I look at this nice card from Belgium.
Hopefully, I'll get to taste all these things there this summer.


Very nice card of a typical Finnish sauna.
Seems the use of the "vihta" (made out of branches and leaves) "stimulates the circulation and gives fresh aroma", so I was told by the sender.
First card I recieved.